Saturday, August 4, 2012

Organizational Dilemma

I don't know how many of you cross-stitch out there...well really any needlepoint done might have this same problem I have: STORAGE!!!

Now, one problem I have is storing my floss. Right now I have some lame piece of cardboard with holes punched in them to tie the floss. It has a space to put the color number and then at one end it has a magnet for your needle. Pretty nifty I thought. Until I ran across some problems:

1) The floss just hangs there!! It gets caught on everything because of this.
2) The floss has a kink in it so now it's more than likely going to knot. (Which is every cross stitchers nightmare! Especially if you're back-stitching. Ugh it's the worst!!)
3) The magnet for the needles is good at holding the needle if it doesn't rub up against anything else. Once I put this "floss organizer" in my make shift bag the needles are forever lost in the bottom of the bag. (I'm sure one day I'll get to the bottom of the bag and find more than a dozen needles.)
4) Going back to the floss that just hangs there...I have cats. Need I say more. My floss becomes their favorite toy. One minute I'm cross stitching and the next I'm chasing my cats, while they're running and dragging floss behind them. (Note to my customers: I didn't use that floss to make your item, I bought all new floss. So no worries!)
5) Now this last problem might not be a problem for most. Since my husband is OCD, it's only a little, it's kind of rubbed off on me. I can't stand this method of organization for the main reason that it isn't in numerical order!! I honestly don't want to re-do every single cardboard thingy. But in the end it does indeed irk me.

So now my dilemma lies in finding a way to organize my floss without having the above problems. I know what you're thinking: Good Luck with that! I'm hoping someone will take pity on me and share their organizational secrets.

Now one last thing:
For the life of me I can't find a cutesy bag that will hold all of my cross stitching "crippy crap," that's apparently the Harris family term. My husband's family came up with the term and now they have me using it (go ahead roll your eyes I am). I'm amazed that these craft stores have bags for quilters, sewers, and crocheters but not for us cross stitchers. I'm feeling slightly left out! I want a cutesy girly bag because well I'm cutesy and least my husband thinks so. And honestly who am I to shatter his hopes and dreams. I might as well give in to his delusion just this once.

 That being said this girl is forever on the hunt for a pretty bag with some type of organizational pockets to separate my stuff! Ideally it would hold my floss organizer (which I have yet to figure out), my needles, my fabric, and my cross stitch patterns. If my loyal readers know of a place where I can find such an item PLEASE tell me!!! I beg you!

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